National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BeFree)

What we do

We empower youth by raising awareness.

Live2Free empowers youth to end human trafficking through raising awareness at Vanguard University and with youth thorough Orange County, and beyond.

Through peer-to-peer education, college members of Live2Free educate and train other youth, from Jr high, Senior high and college, about modern day slavery, the risks of human trafficking, and the ways they can be involved in ending the demand for slavery.

Live2Free students develop content that is youth-friendly, accessible and uses real life scenarios and role playing to help young people understand the real risks and facts of trafficking in Orange County and around the globe.

Request a Live2Free team to come train your youth group or class today!

Live2Free also hosts many events at Vanguard University for the student body and Community to educate and celebrate ways to fight exploitation and slavery, and become more ethical consumers.

What you can do

  • Invite Live2Free to present in your community
  • Watch documentaries about human trafficking
  • Write your next research paper on this issue
  • Buy Fair Trade products and thrift/reused clothing
  • Don’t buy into any form of commercial sex (including pornography)
  • Volunteer or intern for a Non-Profit Organization fighting human trafficking.
  • Start a Live2Free club on your campus
  • Tell others everything you learned
  • Stay in touch, by following us on Instagram and Facebook

Suspect someone is being trafficked? Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BeFree)